What is “The Black Box?”

We will take the lead in the fight against construction waste. The risk that building materials without unique DNA and without material passports will be perceived as building waste in the future is very large. That is why KOMPROMENT has chosen to take the lead in the fight against resource waste. The Black Box is our idea of how we can effectively get the information out there where they are to be used – namely by the facades which and 50 to 100 years are taken down and need to be recycled.

What is the Black Box?

The Black Box is our answer to a material pass.
– And what’s that?

A material pass is a physical aluminium document that accurately describes what a given system consists of. The Black Box is designed to ensure that the materials have a unique DNA and can therefore be incorporated into circulation or recycled without being downgraded to inferior material qualities and thereby losing its real material value during the recycling phase.
KOMPROMENT Facade systems are designed for separation. This means that if the elements of a building stock are not documented, it becomes harder to recycle and recycle them. That’s why we’ve developed material passes for our facades, which accurately describes what they consist of – which aluminum, brick, slate, plastic, etc. When a building is demolished, you will thus be able to separate the elements of optimal fractions so that you know which parts can be recycled and reused and included in new “material life”.


Here you will find the Black Box

You probably know the black box from aircraft, where it contains important information using technology. This is the principle we want to transfer to the construction industry.
Our material passports are physical documents built into our facades. When we send a delivery on our facades, the customer will bring material passes with (as many as they demand) that can be built directly into the facade of the given building. Once the construction is demolished, you’ll encounter the Black Box inside the facade.

With the material pass, we can ensure that the customer and customer’s customer always know what our facades consist of. This means that they will be able to build and build the façade and ensure that the materials are sorted in pure fractions for recycling or recycling. And in this way, we can reduce the amount of building waste and waste of resources.
This system means that facades from KOMPROMENT are part of the future material bank and that the owners of buildings with our facades maintain the right scrap and material value when they sometime in many years take down the facades. In doing so, they also know whether the materials should either be re-set up or should be remelted and incorporated into new materials.


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